Exporter Registration Form

We are always looking for new Exporters to form a long terms partnership to add new products or improve existing product range!

Please provide information in the following format. After receipt of information and confirmation to the following, Supplier Agreement will be sent for your signatures.

There is no commission or service fee involved for supplying/exporting to our company.

1. Communication: How do you provide update on regular basis after Purchase Order (PO) is placed on your company?

2. Quality: Our primary concern has been quality. What do you do to control quality? Can you give example of your quality control processes?

3. Schedule: How do you manage schedule to ensure shipment goes on time?

4. Chargebacks Penalty: There would be a chargebacks penalty if quality, schedule and other compliance policy clauses are not met. Please confirm if you are open to it.

5. Payment Terms: We do not pay advance. We pay with in 15 days after receipt of goods and due verification at our warehouse. Please confirm if you are open to it.

6. Export Ready: Are you export ready and currently exporting to USA? Are you familiar with ISF ((10+2) compliance requirements?

7. Manufacturing Capability Details: Please share about your all manufacturing machines/capabilities

8. Contact Information: Your Contact Information

9. Attachments (Optional):
Feel free to provide any attachment (like company profile, manufacturing capabilities, products range, and quality processes, etc)


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