Supplier (Dropship ready) Registration Form

We are always looking for new suppliers who are drop ship ready to form a long terms partnership to add new product category!

Please provide information in the following format. After receipt of information and confirmation to the following, Supplier Agreement will be sent for your signatures.

There is no commission or service fee involved for supplying products to our company. We do not use buying agent or qualty inspector or any other intermediary.

1. Dropship Ready: Are you drop-ship ready? If so, please provide details of your products.

2. Images: Please tell how many high resolution images (per SKU) you can provide and how do you provide images? Do you provide life style images? How do you provide product information currently?

3. Inventory Feed: Please provide details that how you provide inventory feed or information.

4. EDI: Please provide details if you use EDI to receive POs. It is not required.

5. Shipping: Please tell what shipping company you use to drop ship (Fedex, UPS, USPS,..). Can you ship within 2 business days of receiving of PO?

6. Return Policy: Do you offer 30 days free return policy?

7. Warehouse: Please provide details of your warehouse.

8. Contact: Please provide your contact information.

9. Attachments (Optional):
Feel free to provide any attachment (your current company profile, products range, etc)


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